Morgan, Sophie’s BF, was at our house during the last round of tornado warnings. While the girls were squished in my closet-turned-office-turned-safe-place, I headed outside to take pictures of the swirly sky. “You’re not much of a worrier, are you?†Morgan commented. Funny how I don’t worry about tornadoes ripping the roof of the house, but do worry what people think of me. I’d say it’s a 6 on a scale of one to ten.
Now, let me get this off my chest: we have not gone off the deep end.
With the very quick sale of our home last week (on the market for five days with four offers), we were faced with two choices: find another house fast, or find a place to rent and breathe. I am fond of breathing.
The only problem I foresee is that we haven’t rented since the beginning of our marriage when we lived in a two-bedroom duplex with ugly green carpet. Twenty-two years later and I’m assuming all rentals look the same. Besides that, I never dreamed of being here after trying to do all the right stuff. My expectation was that we’d be moving into our dream home where we would retire in years to come and I’d eventually rock a grandkid or two. (Note to self: lower the expectations and chance for disappointment is much less.)
I am the one who talked my husband into renting (remind me of that in the days to come should I need it) because I’m not one to rush; I don’t even like being late to church. Another thing I don’t like is debt. While we’ve maintained a mostly debt free lifestyle (apart from a mortgage and that stupid car Regi bought but has since sold), it feels like a plane has crash- landed right into the second act of this important play called Life. As small business owners, we’ve carried around our last remaining business loan for a few years now. Then the KGB (thanks for the perfect description, Dave Ramsey) sent us a hefty bill that they want paid yesterday. Living with that kind of debt is like carrying a ball and chain with you everywhere you go.
Regi immediately started looking for a rental and found a place within a day. After seeing it online however, I gave it two thumbs down and asked him to look for something normal. However, it’s difficult to say no to my husband, sweet as he is. I obliged to simply look.

When I sat in a chair on the front porch and looked over my front yard, I was hooked.
Guess what?
We will be living in a cabin on 22 acres. Of course we’re not renting the 22 acres, we just get to enjoy it. And no, I’m not simply giving the house the affectionate name of cabin. I’m talking made-of-wood with a fireplace that doesn’t have a switch. Yes, a cabin. Complete with a front porch view of the stables and horses, the pond, garden, and the two other homes on the property. We even get to rent Sable as well, the oversized Lab with something-something mixed in who bounds over like a goofy elementary kid every time we show up. She’s the big dog we’ve always promised (I sure hope she likes little dogs).
Could it get any better? We’ll see. I feel a journey leading somewhere that is going to open my eyes to things I haven’t seen in a while. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
This actually sounds like “heaven” to me. I am sure you and your family will love the quiet,scenic surroundings.
I must say it does feel heavenly when we’re out there. The next big step will be putting tons of our stuff into storage and not being afraid to let go of things I’ve held on to for a long time. That is so literal and figurative to me at this stage in life! God is getting ready to teach me things that I’ve needed to learn for a lonnnnggg time! I can hardly wait. Thanks for letting me know you were here today. God bless you!
I am HOOKED. I can’t wait to read your blessings every week. Makes me think of CALGON, take me AWAY commercial. Takes my mind off my everyday problems with my grown daughter and all the problem she is constantly creating. My grandchildren who are totally out of control. We raised our only child in the church, but she has totally turned away and drinking is now her best friend. I keep Trusting God’s word that she will return. I really need your writings as they Bless me and keep me LIFTED UP. Thanks so much. God Bless.
I will have a Calgon bath in your honor, Denise, when I get there. Oh wait…I forgot that I’m leaving my beautiful garden tub at my old house! Oh well…there are other ways I know God is going to take my breath away once we move in. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through with your daughter/grandkids. There is not much more you can do than turn them over to God and TRUST that He will, through His great mercy, keep them safe while taking them to the bottom of the barrell so that all they have left to do is call out Him for their rescue. I pray that the Lord will keep you strong, and that victory will come. He knows your heart!
You have a gift!! Can’t wait to read more, don’t keep me waiting. =)
Thanks Bj!! I’ll type as far as my little fingers can go! Thanks for reading for coming over to my FB page. Glad we can keep up with one another!
Wow. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to soak in all of God’s goodness. I like breathing too. 🙂
Jacquie…guess what else the cabin has? A guest bedroom! For guests. Who travel far and wide and need a place to lay their head. Is the hint coming through loud and clear??!!
Ha! I just saw this after saying the same to you on my FB page. That’s how we roll baby.
Oh yeah, baby. Keep rolling rolling rolling!!
Love your blog! It looks gorgeous! I know you’ll enjoy it. Looks like a really good place to “breathe”.
Karri, you got that right. I think I’m going to enjoy breathing for the next year while I sit on the front porch drinking coffee, reading my Bible…and listening. Not that I can’t hear Him right where I’m at, it’s just that He’s giving me the opportunity to see things differently for a while. I’m excited!! Thanks for reading…
That is my dream, a cabin in the woods, surrounded by nature. Is there any way you can make this your permanent home? It is too good to pass up. Love your stories.
Kimberlee, I am the agent for the Ezell’s who bought your lovely home. I am glad you all decided to rent and take your time. Surely God has something wonderful in store. Blessings.
Thanks, Barbara. There is definitely some bittersweet feelings going on in my mind right now, but all in all, I know we are headed on the right path. I feel like I am walking away from a place we’ve loved and hope that the next owners find as much joy as we have! Thanks for hanging in there and making it all happen. Come visit us in Franklin. Coffee’s on me!